Start: Qualitative Model
Do You Have?
Journey Mapped
YES: Go to Performance Measures Identified
NO: Go to The Play
The Play
As you’ve likely come to discover, my approach to journey mapping leverages a methodology unique to Jobs-to-be-Done. This is to ensure that we are elevating our research above the solution-space. The benefits of this are covered elsewhere. I’ve already mapped the universal journeys in Customer Journey 2.0 Toolkit (FREE).
Use it to
In the Jobs-to-be-Done world, we elaborate these jobs into steps…just like a journey. If you are dead-set on doing this yourself, I wrote a comprehensive article on conducting the interviews and building job maps while I worked at Strategyn. Here’s a link to that article. Another thing I created and shared prior to that is called a Framework of Questions for JTBD Interviews - and many people found that extremely helpful as well.
But given the advancements in artificial intelligence, and my recommendation that you more precisely scope your model contextually, I have incorporated everything I know into a prompt that leverages the collective knowledge of what is known globally to deliver you what you need to map your customer journeys. You can find this enabler here.
NEXT: Go to Performance Measures Identified