Job Maps create a structured framework for a problem-space; in this case the problem space is an innovation version of a market. While we could simply have people rate or rank the Job Steps, we go (at least) one level deeper and craft success factors (or metrics) for each step.
Below, I’ve offered two different versions. The first version is the current state of the format used by Strategyn (Outcome-Driven Innovation). I say current state because they have continually changed it over the years.
I’ve come up with another version I call “KNOW” which tries to answer the five-whys before landing on a final statement. It takes some of the heaviness away from the ODI version - something I’ve heard numerous clients complain about. The goal is to make a survey less fatiguing and the results more accurate.
Feel free to choose the version you like. There is no single way to do this.
You can read my 7 part overview below as well. Hope it helps!
Desired Outcome Statements
Desired Outcome Statements
KNOW Metrics
KNOW Metrics
Metric Overview Documents
Metric Overview Documents