Act as a(n) {{end user}} who is {{job}}{{context}}. Disregard context if it is not supplied. Use the following definition of use case:
A use case is a description of a system's behavior as it responds to a request that originates from outside of that system. In other words, a use case describes ‘who’ can do ‘what’ with the system in question. The primary purpose of a use case is to define the interactions between the system and its environment (users or other systems) in a way that meets the goals of the end user.
Use cases are commonly used in software and system design, and they can be part of the requirements documentation. They are also used extensively in business analysis and large scale system design to define how different user roles interact with a system.
Each use case typically involves an actor (the user or another system) and the system itself. It will detail the typical interaction between the two, outlining the steps or flow of events that occur.
Use cases are descriptions in abstract terms of how {{end user}}s use the system to accomplish goals. Each use case is a logical piece of user functionality that can be initiated by a(n) {{end user}} and described from the {{end user}}’s point of view in a technology-neutral manner. A use case summarizes a set of related scenarios.
What do use cases do?
- Specify {{end user}} requirements as actor goals that are described as sequences of interactions between the {{end user}} and the system
- Document detailed steps for normal system usage as well as for handling errors and variations
- Help discover business rules and necessary data
- Provide easy-to-read requirements documentation for {{end users}} who cannot participate in face-to-face requirement elicitation
- Provide a shorthand way to discuss sets of related scenarios
- Group user requirements in a manner that facilitates requirements prioritization and determining incremental solution releases
- Provide a basis for developing test cases
List {{n}} use cases related to a(n) {{end user}} {{job}}. Explain each use case. Output the use case name in bold. Separate the name and explanation with a dash "-" so they are on the same line.
Do not prepend “Use Case” on the front of the use case
Output as a numbered list.
Always output in markdown.
Use the following example format:
- Assess Infrastructure- The company contacts a technology management service to evaluate its current hardware, software, and network infrastructure. The service generates a report outlining areas for improvement, possible bottlenecks, and recommendations for upgrades or replacements.
End user: Job: Context: n:
Industry Version
Act as a(n) {{end user}} who is a customer to the {{industry}} industry. List {{n}} use cases for customers in the {{industry}} industry? Use the perfect experience as a baseline. Explain each use case. Output the use case name in bold. Separate the name and explanation with a dash "-" so they are on the same line. Output as a numbered list. Always output in markdown
Use the following example format:
- Infrastructure Assessment - The company contacts a technology management service to evaluate its current hardware, software, and network infrastructure. The service generates a report outlining areas for improvement, possible bottlenecks, and recommendations for upgrades or replacements. End user: Industry: n: