The three Anchors you need to generate should answer either a why or a how with regard to your Map to determine if the rest of the story must be persuasive, or explanatory. The Anchors must be clear, concise and literally to the point(s), giving the audience a sense of coherence and focus as you develop the coming Backup level.
Think about how the Anchors will read. They must be in a logical sequence. The three anchors should be a neatly coordinated package that flows together from one idea to the next so that it will be easy to illustrate them with visualizations. These three statements should become the most memorable to the audience
I won’t provide any examples, but what you generate should pass this Test Fit structure:
Test the three anchor headlines to ensure they make sense by filling in the variables in this sentence:
The main reasons/ways my audience should {{map}} are {{anchor 1}}, {{anchor 2}}, and {{anchor 3}}.
Generate 5 sets of Anchor statements for the Map: {{map}}. Out put these separate in separate tables. First column header is labeled Anchor. In the second generate a suggested visualization.
The other variables have not changed. Map: